GLOROPE Tactiglo Nylon Paracord

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This is the GLOROPE Tactiglo Nylon Paracord


GLOROPE Tactiglo Nylon Paracord

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Hiking, Hunting, Camping, Fishing, Sports, Recreation, Survival Bracelets and more.

Our technically engineered glow in the dark nylon paracord is not only a good choice for tying gear down or rigging tarps but can also improve an array of sports and recreational experiences at night.

Exclusive GLO Grade

Exclusive to this particular rope, you can now select your glow grade by including one, two, three or four glow tracers embedded into the rope. Glow tracers ensure you have the right luminescent intensity for any project at hand. The more glow tracers added to the rope, the brighter this rope will GLO.

Average Charging Times

1 Minute of Direct Sunlight

1-10 seconds with a Flashlight

5-10 Minutes of Ambient Light

Key Features 

4mm thickness with options for all glow sheath or up to 4 added glow tracers.

Tensile Strength

4mm TactiGLO Nylon Paracord – 1,000lbs


With a suitable charge from any sufficient light source, GLO rope will glow vividly in dark conditions for 8-10 hours. The rope is never dipped or painted, which avoids all potential compromises to the equipment. With highly reflective filaments woven into the polyester sheath, you are guaranteed to have a highly reflective product in times where a sufficient charge is not possible.


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