Stuart Seldon of Wetspot Images created his famous diving calendar for 2020 for the ninth year in a row. Stuart’s calendar can be ordered from him directly. (see below) The ideal Christmas gift for the diver to give and receive! The 2020 calendar edition contains 27 images from the Great Lakes, British Columbia and Belize.
When he began diving at the age of 17, Stuart Seldon was an avid photographer. He shot in black and white mostly because he was able to process the pictures in his home basement. Seldon says the smell of chemicals is not missing, but there was something special about seeing a picture materialize from nothing. Seldon purchased a Nikonos III (basically a box with an o-ring) and a light-meter in a housing just months after his first dip under the waves and set about wasting countless Kodachrome rolls!

Photo Credit; Stuart Seldon :: Manasoo…discovered in 2018 and rests in about 220 feet of water
Cost in Canadian and US dollars $25.00, includes shipping.
Order 10 for your dive shop and receive a discount.
Contact stuart.seldon@gmail.com or Stuart Seldon on Facebook to get your Reef and Wrecks 2020 calendar.
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