Subscribe to our newsletter and be in to WIN a 6-night Guadalupe Great White Shark cage diving safari worth $3250 USD!
This is your chance to get up close and personal with great white sharks at the world’s premier cage diving destination, Guadalupe Island in Mexico. Often visited by Shark Week film crews, this destination is famous for calm, crystal clear waters and some of the largest great white sharks in the world.
The beautiful custom-built Nautilus Belle Amie will be the winner’s home for 6 nights as they get to know some of the 206 known great white sharks found at Guadalupe. With options to cage dive at the surface or at depth in the submersible cage, this liveaboard safari is every shark lover’s dream.
Don’t miss out on your chance to win, subscribe to our newsletter today!
Guadalupe Island Great White Sharks*
Nautilus Belle Amie
1 bed in a shared stateroom
Departing: 29th August 2018
Departure Port: San Diego
Duration: 7 days / 6 nights (approximately 15 shark dives in total)
Experience level: Open Water – No minimum logged dives required
A winner will be drawn in the week after shark week
*This prize cannot be combined with any other offer and ‘terms and conditions may apply.’
This article was written by divers and writers at
Photo Copyright (slider) #1 Dan Orr :: #2 Nautilus Explorer
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